Sunday, July 06, 2008

Reunited and it feels so good

I just realized that this blog has been untouched for about 2 years. Yikes. This blog was put together, 2005. A few of us had come together and decided to form an official neighborhood association. We called it Central City Muses. Then the storm came, we all got very busy and never actually made it official or did anything much aside from creating this blog.

Many of us used it to communicate and keep in touch during the storm and post news and information. Now that it has been dusted off, I would like to invite everyone to use this to post comments or send me an entry and I will be glad to post it for you.

It was really great to get to see everyone last week. Please use the comment field to post some ideas regarding a date for the next meeting and suggestions for specific items that you think should be on the agenda. I will collect any suggestions, ideas, or recommendations that are given by email, or comments left on the blog and use them to create an agenda for the next meeting. I will send the agenda out with a meeting notice.

If I do not receive any input from y'all, I will either knock on doors or make it up all by myself, which seems a little lonely, so please send me your thoughts.

As long as I have the virtual mic, I'd like to propose that we spend the next meeting organizing ourselves, and end by defining our next steps.

Ok. I look forward to hearing from everybody.

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